A Love Letter

Maybe if I had any talent in writing poetry to match my love of reading it, I would have something really profound and clever and brief to say here, but alas I am just some overly verbose cunt with the efficiency of a keyboard at her fingertips, so I'm going to make this probably really unnecessarily long. I. Love. Sidesaddle. I love the saddles, I love the way of riding, I love the history, I love the traditions, I love the habits, I love its intricate relationship with women's history, I love everything there is to love about it. It is probably what has kept me in any way remotely interested in sewing for all these years, and it is what sparked my newfound hobby of taking riding lessons every week after school.

So, if you can imagine, I am a bit of a fanatic, and this will probably be the longest page here. Perhaps also because I titled this page "The Stables" so it will also include any equestrian thing I feel the need to share here - aside or not!!

Did I mention I really love side-saddle?

Videos of Aside Riding

I discovered side-saddle riding via a YouTube video (made by Izabela from Prior Attire), and so I have accummulated a bit of a collection of YouTube videos. Since I don't really want to share the YouTube account I've had since I was a child, I will painstakingly list every single one individually for your viewing pleasure.

Since there are about 70 videos, and adding each one is time-consuming, I'll put a WIP at the end of the list until they're all up.

My Bibliography

pssst. for the time being, since this page is still very much in progress, I can tell you now that this ^^ so far holds the most stuff to wade through

My Notes

When I started riding, I was very insecure about how much older I was starting out, and I took to note-taking to try to catch up. I still feel as though I'm educated enough to teach (and have taught with some degree of success!!) even if my physical capabilities lag behind, but you can judge the quality of the side-saddle section of my binder here as well.

ok speed demon, i'm not done working on this yet jeez!!! have some patience!!!!!!!!!!


So, while I may not be able to scan my hand-written notes for you, I have discovered that I have saved some PDFs that I am struggling to find online anymore. I'm not sure if they are totally gone or if I'm just having a hard time re-finding them, so anyways, here ya go

ISSO - Riding the Canter
I'm actually not too sure what this is - it's just a single scanned copy of a page. I don't know if it was from a book or a packet or what. All I know about it is from the title, it's apparently from the International Side Saddle Organisation.
Side-Saddle by Jane Pryor: Pages 6 and 7
This is a scan of pages 6 and 7 of Jane Pryor's book "Side-Saddle" - not sure where I found it, but I was very excited because this book was such a PAIN to find!!! I still have no idea where Mom found it at, but she bought it for me for Christmas one year, so I guess this scan is somewhat useless now.
ASA - Phoenix, Winter 2009
Technically the Phoenix is still "in print" and you can find archives on the American Sidesaddle Association's website, but I couldn't find this exact edition. I'm also not quite sure why I saved it.